Service is of utmost importance that is why Loodgietersbedrijf L. Baas tries to answer all mails within 24 hours and why Leo is available all day via his mobile phone. For urgent matters he will try to be with you as soon as possible to solve the problem. Do you have an urgent problem and in need of a plumber in The Hague / Scheveningen because you have a leakage or clogging problem for example: do not look any further but call 06-49757331.
For any problems with drains, whether it involves the clogging of the toilet, the kitchen drain or shower drain, Loodgietersbedrijf L. Baas can unclog it for you.
Service contracts
It is possible to sign a maintenance contract for both airco and central heating systems. If you send an e-mail stating your interest in one of these contracts we will send you the details.
It is wise to have your boiler and airco checked at least once a year. During the yearly maintenance the system will be cleaned and checked for possible defects.